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You may not immediately think “health care” when you think of software engineers in Seattle. But you should.

At Providence Digital Innovation Group, or DIG for short, we’re on a mission to simplify the old school world of health care using new school tech. We create disruptive technologies that bring health care to more people – like telemedicine services that can help rural patients when they are having medical emergencies. So, instead of writing code that helps sell the latest and greatest consumer electronics, we write code that saves lives.

We’re part of a large health care organization, but we look, act, work, think, and play like a startup. And we’re always on the lookout for standout software engineers to help us deliver more cutting-edge health care technologies to more people.

That’s why we started this blog. Here, you’ll find posts designed to give you a sense of what happens at DIG, our perspective on the industry, and why Seattle is the best place to work and why. If you’re a software engineer at any level, you should check out our openings.

Comedian Jon Lovitz said, “My dad would always say, ‘What can you do to make the world a better place?’ Well, I can make people laugh.” We may not make a living making people laugh – though some of us think we’re pretty funny – but we do what we can to make the world a better place. We do that one line of code, one positive patient experience at a time.

If that sounds like you, we hope you’ll keep in touch: follow our blog and/or like us on Facebook.